How To Lead With Confidence & Conquer Imposter Syndrome

Host: Jess Robinson Lychak

Date: March 10, 2022

Length: 71 minutes

Themes Explored:

confidence; imposter syndrome; leadership effectiveness; humility; FAME; mindset; mindfulness; hypertrophy; self-crtitcism; grit; meaningful masochism; accomplishment;

What you’ll learn:

How to avoid the traps of comparison and to cultivate the mindset that differentiates those with grit from those who quit. What to put your attention on to cultivate confidence in yourself. A tool you can use immediately to enhance your awareness, sense of purpose, and to create momentum for confident action in difficult situations.

Webinar Synopsis:

Unlock your leadership potential with this cutting-edge webinar hosted by Jess Robinson Lychak, a seasoned leadership coach from Level 52. Designed to cultivate confidence among leaders, this webinar leverages the "Science Behind Success™" model to teach you how to build confidence as a skill. It emphasizes self-awareness, handling difficult emotions, and introducing key concepts like "H squared" (hunger and humility) and "FAME" (fatalistic imagery, accomplishments, mindfulness, exercise).

You'll discover actionable strategies for combating self-criticism, embracing self-compassion, networking power, and collaboration. Learn how mindfulness and exercise can empower your leadership skills.

The session also delves into the neuroscience of confidence, providing insight into the fight-or-flight response and its subtle manifestations. Viewers are challenged to identify their unique goals and obstacles and are provided with a worksheet to help build their confidence.

Whether you're an aspiring leader or seasoned executive in tech, finance, professional sports, or any industry across the globe, this webinar promises practical tools to foster self-confidence and resilience. If you're committed to enhancing your leadership effectiveness, tackling impostor syndrome, and stepping into a more confident you, don't miss this opportunity.


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