There's No Such Thing as Authentic Leadership: The Unsettling Truth and the Powerful Alternative

By Jayson Krause, Managing Director of Level 52 & Award-Winning Author of The Science Behind Success

There's a buzzword that's been making the rounds for quite some time now and you’re likely no stranger to it: authenticity. It's been hailed as the holy grail of effective leadership, the secret sauce that makes people want to follow you. But here's a controversial take: there's no such thing as authenticity. At least, it's likely not what you think it is. 

Authenticity, as we've come to understand it, is a myth. It's a construct, a mirage that we chase in the hopes of becoming better leaders. But the more we chase it, the more elusive it becomes. Why? Because the concept of authenticity is inherently flawed.

Authenticity suggests that there's a 'true self' that we need to discover and express. But here's the kicker: we humans are complex, multifaceted beings. We evolve, we adapt, we grow. Our 'self' is not a static entity, but a dangerously dynamic one. So, which version of our 'self' is the authentic one? The one we were yesterday? The one we are today? Or the one we aspire to be tomorrow?

The other thing is, authenticity can become a convenient excuse for not growing. It's easy to say, "This is who I am, take it or leave it," and resist change. But leadership is not about being comfortable. It's about pushing boundaries, challenging norms, and stepping out of comfort zones.

So, if authenticity is a myth, what's the alternative? The answer is adaptability.

Adaptability is about being flexible and responsive to the changing dynamics around us. It's about being open to learning, growing, and evolving. It's about recognizing that who we are is not fixed, but fluid. 

Adaptability doesn't mean being inauthentic or fake. It means being real in the sense that you're responsive to the reality around you. It means being true to your values and principles, but also being willing to change your strategies and tactics based on the situation at hand.

In my book, The Science Behind Success, I write that, "Leadership is not about being authentic. It's about being adaptable. It's about being able to navigate the inherent chaos in the world of leadership."

So, stop chasing the mirage of authenticity. Embrace the power of adaptability and be a leader who is not just true to yourself, but also true to the people you lead and the situations you navigate. Because that, my friends, is the real secret sauce of effective leadership.


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