How to Survive the AI Revolution

AI and Leaders

By Jayson Krause, Managing Director of Level 52 & Award-Winning Author of The Science Behind Success

The battlefield of business is changing. The other day, I heard a business owner boast about how they replaced four employees with AI. One of the replaced employees was even the employee of the year a few years back. The reason? They were "doers", and AI has made them obsolete. The new age demands thinkers, collaborators, and agents.

Before you start panicking and picturing a dystopian future where machines rule the world, it’s important to take a step back. Yes, AI is transforming the way we work, but it's not the end of the world. It's a revolution, and like any revolution, there will be casualties. But it also has its victors. The question is, which one do you want to be?

I believe the key to surviving the AI revolution is not to outdo the machines, but to become great and what machines can't. AI can analyze data, automate processes, and make great decisions. But what it can't do is empathize, innovate, and build relationships. These are the skills of the future, the skills that will make you indispensable in the AI world.

AI is simply a tool, a powerful one, but it’s still a tool. It's not a replacement for human intelligence, but a complement to it. It's not about human vs. machine, but at its best, human and machine. I believe the organizations that understand this are the ones that will thrive in the AI era.

So, how do you make sure you're not a casualty of the AI revolution? You become a thinker, a collaborator and an agent. You cultivate the skills that AI can't replicate. You build strong relationships, foster creativity, and drive innovation. You become a catalyst for change, not a casualty of it.

Like most forms of chaos, the AI revolution is not a threat, but an opportunity. An opportunity to redefine your role, to enhance your skills, and to make a real, and human, impact. 

The future will always belong to those who can adapt, learn, and grow. So, don't be a casualty of the AI revolution.


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